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Enhance your art classes with an educational school trip to an outdoor activity centre. Taking your art lessons outside provides a unique and inspiring experience for your students. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 reasons why art in the outdoors helps students develop their skills and creativity.

Inspiration from Nature:

Immersing students in nature encourages them to observe, appreciate, and capture their unique experiences through art. The beauty of the natural world serves as a rich source of inspiration and creativity.

Direct Interaction with the Environment:

By painting or drawing outdoors, students develop a deeper understanding of the characteristics and intricacies of their subject matter. They can study plants, wildlife, landscapes, and their surroundings up close, allowing for a more accurate depiction of their observations.

Learning about Light and Atmosphere:

Art in the outdoors provides an opportunity to study how light interacts with the environment, creating different moods, shadows, and reflections. Students can experiment with capturing the ever-changing natural lighting conditions, enhancing their understanding of this fundamental aspect of art.

Enhancing Observation Skills:

Drawing or painting outdoors requires students to closely observe their subjects. This practice enhances their attention to detail, improves their ability to capture the essence of what they see, and sharpens their observation skills as a whole.

Developing Composition Skills:

In the outdoor setting, students have the chance to experiment with various compositions as they select different perspectives, viewpoints, and framings. This helps them develop their composition skills and understand how it affects the overall impact of their artwork.

Incorporating Movement and Action:

Art in the outdoors allows students to capture the dynamic aspects of nature, such as animals in motion or water flowing. This challenge pushes them to depict movement accurately and expressively, adding a new dimension to their artistic skills.

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Understanding Different Art Styles:

Interpreting the natural world provides an opportunity for students to experiment with incorporating elements of different art styles into their own artwork. They can explore impressionism, realism, abstract, or any other style that resonates with their artistic expression.

Developing Patience and Perseverance:

Art in the outdoors requires patience, adaptability, and perseverance. These skills are crucial for any art form and are honed through experiences such as dealing with changing weather conditions or waiting for the perfect lighting conditions.

Connecting Art and the Environment:

By combining art and the environment, students develop a sense of responsibility and appreciation for nature. This fosters a deeper understanding of environmental issues and the importance of conservation.

Stress Relief and Well-being:

Connecting with nature through art allows students to find a sense of peace, mindfulness, and self-expression. It provides a therapeutic outlet for their creativity and can contribute to their overall well-being.

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At Active Learning Centres, we offer day-long and residential trips that allow your students to fully immerse themselves in art studies while also enjoying the adventure of an outdoor activity centre. Our team is dedicated to supporting your art students’ growth and providing an unforgettable educational experience. Contact us today to find out how we can help your students embrace the beauty of art in the outdoors.

Emily Skivington | 4 October 2023
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Unit 15, Eyston Way, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1TR
