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School Trips

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As the world becomes increasingly digitalised, students spend most of their time indoors, glued to screens. This sedentary lifestyle is taking a toll on their health, psychological wellbeing and curbing their potential for experiential learning.

Outdoor education provides a break from the monotony of indoor classrooms and enriches the educational experience of students. Below we explore the five reasons why outdoor education should be a part of every school’s curriculum.

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Promotes holistic development

Exposure to nature and outdoor activities enhances physical, mental, and social development. Students have the opportunity to develop self-confidence, teamwork skills, emotional intelligence, resilience and problem-solving skills. Outdoor learning centres provide a safe environment to experiment with new things and push boundaries, which are essential for personal growth.

Stimulates creativity and critical thinking

Outdoor education encourages students to observe and question the natural world around them. Experiential learning stimulates creativity and critical thinking by engaging all senses and requiring students to make connections and use their imaginations. This hands-on learning approach instils curiosity in young minds, inspiring them to discover and learn more about the world around them.

Provides real-life situations for application of theories

Outdoor learning centres provide a perfect platform for students to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-life situations. Students can explore science, history, geography, and other subjects in a practical setting, making learning more engaging and memorable. It also provides an opportunity to learn practical life skills, such as wilderness survival, mapping and navigation.

Enhances mental and physical health

Outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing and other adventurous activities improve physical fitness and mental health. Spending time in nature reduces stress, anxiety and depression symptoms while increasing happiness and well-being. It also improves sleep quality, cognitive function and immune system function. Outdoor learning centres provide a healthy environment for students to explore and engage in physical activities.

Fosters environmental stewardship

Outdoor education instils a sense of environmental stewardship in children, encouraging them to develop a deep respect for the natural world and its conservation. By learning about ecosystems, biodiversity and environmental issues, students develop an appreciation for nature and learn to take responsibility for the environment. This awareness and understanding create an informed and empowered generation to tackle environmental dilemmas.

Outdoor education should be a part of every school’s curriculum for the holistic development of students. School activity centres and outdoor learning centres provide safe and exciting opportunities for students to experiment, learn and grow. It is time schools prioritized outdoor education and invest in creating a real-life learning environment for students.

Emily Skivington | 16 May 2023
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